If you are considering membership at Emmaus, there are some resources below for your review.
Links to two messages defining our understanding of Church Membership.
Membership 1
Membership 2
From Our articles of Ministry:

A Member at Emmaus Christian Church is a person who has made a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and has acknowledged a call by God to be joined with ECC.

A Member, according to their abilities, is expected to:

Attend services regularly
Receive communion
Attend congregational meetings
Pray regularly for the church
Give regularly of time, talent, and treasure
Potential Member(s) shall meet with the pastor to discuss the current membership process and sign a statement of faith. Upon completion of the process, the Pastor shall present the prospective Member(s) to the congregation at which time the new Member(s) and the congregation shall express their mutual commitment.

Membership shall be forfeited if the member is inactive for a six-month period, excluding health, job, or other extenuating circumstances. A Member may withdraw their membership by written request or verbal request to at least two Board Members.”
Current Emmaus Christian Church Membership process:
The first step towards Membership at ECC is to get plugged in on a regular basis. Regular attendance of Sunday services and any other meeting you might be interested in and able to attend.
Ask questions: ask all questions you may think of about the church, how it runs, how it is organized, what we believe.
Talk to our Pastor: Schedule a meeting with our pastor expressing a desire to become a member, and to answer any questions you may have about the church. The Pastor will also supply you with a Statement of Faith, for you to review and sign.
Sign and return the statement of faith if you feel that God has brought you to Emmaus to be a part of the family here.
Discuss with the pastor what Sunday you would like to be announced as a new member of the church.